I bring life to code

Front End Developer | UI/UX Designer

Who I am

A visual person who can convert data to a graphical interface. The look, the feel and the design of a site is the object of my existence. A lover or a friend of a browser; a protagonist in a web story; antagonist of bugs.

Behind my belt, I started as email developer, then web designer and web developer; a UI/UX Designer certified.

Perseverance is of paramount importance. Excellence is sacrosanct. Never cease from learning; reserved, yet collaborator. Do not always go for conventional; naïve yet, adventurous.

What I do

Web and Banner Design

Front End and Static Sites

Back End Development


Sample Projects

Here are samples of my Web & Design Projects

Folk Ridge

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Rap Esteva | Samples | Folk Ridge

Musician's Profile

View Project
Rap Esteva | Samples | Musician's Profile

Weblife Direct Sales

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Rap Esteva | Samples | Weblife Direct Sales

Note Along

View Project
Rap Esteva | Samples | Note Along

Name That Movie

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Rap Esteva | Samples | Name That Movie

Dota Hero Slider

View Project
Rap Esteva | Samples | Dota Hero Slider

Here's my contact,
so email me maybe?

Rap Esteva | Contact
Rap Esteva | Contact

Projects? Questions or just a plain Hello?

Feel free to send a message.